Unless you have been in a monastery with monks contemplating the meaning of life it’s impossible to have missed the decluttering craze that is sweeping the world.
With a polite and peaceful take on decluttering Marie Kondo invites a mindful and grateful practice into decluttering your home which in turn results in decluttering your mind and life!
Each episode of her top rated Netflix original series showcases a household at breaking point. Now let’s make this clear, these houses do not look like those of hoarders, these are regular everyday homes that over the years have simply collected too many belongings.
It can happen to any of us and often subconsciously as the clutter builds externally in our home so too does the clutter in our mind. These overstuffed drawers and wardrobes are just another list of building “to dos’ that you need to get around to doing but never do.
As an Interior stylist the first step in a transformation is to de clutter. Clearing a path and space for a new beginning is so important.
Beyond just creating 3 piles, “keep”, “charity” and “throw out”. Marie first tells you to stop for a minute and thank your home.
Being mindful for a minute and grateful to have this wonderful home that has kept you sheltered warm and safe creates an open mindset before your declutter.
Does this spark joy? It’s a question you have never asked yourself really when it comes to your belongings but it is a hugely important one.
As I say to my clients, your home is your haven and it is so important to create a home you love and surround yourself with things that bring you joy!
By putting your hand on each item of clothing and seeing if you get that little pang of excitement you can easily identify the items that need to go!
By only keeping the items that make you feel great you are creating a home of inspiration instead of a collection of to do lists and cluttered wardrobes. This tidying technique enables her clients to acquire the mindset needed to stay tidy forever rather than just doing a big declutter once a year or during council clean ups.
It is important once you have gone through the mindful practice of only keeping items that spark joy that you organise them with a purposeful fold or create specific homes for each item. “Putting things away,” she writes, “creates the illusion that the clutter problem has been solved.”
Part of the success of this method is applying this same mindset in your everyday life.
After you have completed this process your home will bring you more joy, with only your favourite items showcased and everything organised with its own place.
You will have more time to do the things you love because you are not worrying about your constant “to do list” at home.
You will feel more stylish-Your wardrobe will inspire you instead of worrying what to wear as you will know that every outfit you select will be one you feel great in.
You will save time getting ready- as above!
Create a fresh beginning and new canvas to invite more joy into your life, build on this fresh start and create a home you love.
Need help styling your home or sourcing unique pieces?Contact me for a for a consult and lets create beautiful spaces!